Smartphone Battery Reviews and Ratings | ViserMark Ranking
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Smartphone Battery Life
and Performance Ranking Table

Using an independent, repeatable and rigorous smartphone testing protocol ensures that there is no room for error. You can be assured that all the latest smartphones have been tested exactly the same, so you have all the right information, at the right time when researching smartphone battery life comparisons.

Our Smartphone Ranking Table can be sorted by Brand, Product Name, Battery Life Days, ViserMark Score and Capacity just by clicking on the appropriate label shown. 

ViserMark tests Battery Performance
ViserMark tests Days of Usage
ViserMark tests Charging Time
ViserMark tests Power Efficency

As part of our smartphone testing protocol, SmartViser are able to bring to you a comprehensive set of smartphone battery life results. This can also provide even further information on smartphone battery life, smartphone battery charging, smartphone power efficiency.


We have collated these into useful smartphone battery life ratings that will help you to see where a mobile battery performance is impacted or where certain smartphone apps and device features are particularly more important to you than others.

Smartphone Battery Life Ratings

Learn more from our smartphone comparisons and results from our smartphone testing

Battery Performance ViserMark



Battery Life ViserMark
Battery Charging ViserMark
Power Efficiency ViserMark


of Use





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