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Success Story

WIKO Smartphone Obtains Highest Performance Scores Leveraging viSer Test Automation

When developing new smartphones featuring the latest technologies, with battery autonomy, you can rely on them all day and longer; WIKO needed reliable, objective testing and expertise on Smartphone Battery Life and Performance provided by SmartViser.
WIKO was looking for a team of experts with a testing automation solution who can collaborate with their in-house team, allowing them to test, monitor, benchmark, troubleshoot, and measure to offer superior Quality of Experience and Quality of Service to their end-users for one of the most critical aspects “Battery Performance.”
ViserMark tested WIKO Smartphone which Obtained Highest Performance Scores Leveraging viSer Test Automation




  • The first challenge WIKO faced was by the R&D department, with much effort devoted to finding innovations to further improve battery life for end-users. 


  • WIKO was looking to improve its test results’ analyses obtained from an accurate and repeatable method capable of overriding human error and subjectivity to promote its proven battery performances further.


  • Finally, WIKO found that significant improvements were being made, and they were looking for objective proof to reassure consumers, the press and retailers of the superior battery capacity and performance.


ViserMark collaborated with Wiko which found great improvements were being made



  • The Test Automation, viSer, was implemented in the R&D centre, so they could start testing battery performance earlier in the development circle. 


  • viSer, also provided valuable information in the analytics dashboard that visually tracks, analyses, and displays the power discharge rate. With more precise insights into what’s happening, the R&D team were able to improve specific areas.


  • After development, the final product arrived in the ViserMark lab to be assessed and scored. Testing was carried out in an independent testing environment by the ViserMark technical team. All activities are performed under strictly controlled test conditions, fully automated in a defined order and timeline.



VisrMark uses the viSer Testing solution



  • WIKO achieved the Top 10 Battery Life Score Ranking Table for 2020, based on smartphones with 5000mAh batteries. Out of 10 models, 4 are WIKO’s smartphones (View5 Plus, View5, View4 and View3) and even better, the Top 3 Battery Performance Scores smartphones are View5 Plus, View5, and U20 Power in 2021.



The ViserMark Battery Performance label shows the score
The ViserMark Battery Life label shows the days of usage

Battery Performance Score

Battery Life Score

ViseMark tested the Wiko View 5 Plus which had the best battery performance score
ViserMark tested the Wiko Power U20 which had the best battery life score

View5 Plus

Power U20

ViserMark provides the Battery Performance label which shows the score
ViserMark provides the Battery Life label which shows the days of use
  • The ViserMark Label displays an official smartphone rating and score to help communicate battery performance's value into specific end-user benefits. Brand awareness has increased thanks to WIKO's improved battery autonomy and high score.


  • WIKO has experienced increased smartphone sales as ViserMark testing reports make it easier for end-users to differentiate the improved battery life performance from other smartphones.

ViserMark test devices for Wiko

"We, as manufacturers of Smartphones, aim to deliver the best experience for our users. Developing newer Smartphones requires a significant amount of time and expenditure to be competitive and visible in a very crowded and fast-moving market. The Battery Life of a Smartphone is critical to users and their daily productivity. Our R&D has put much effort into providing our end users superior battery life performance.


SmartViser was chosen for this project as they offered superior knowledge on Smartphone Battery Life and Performance, which is critical to us when considering future Smartphones. The SmartViser testing was impressive and performed in rigorous testing conditions. Our Smartphone passed extensive testing protocols, and we are incredibly pleased with our ViserMark Label due to the overall tests.


Thanks to ViserMark, we could communicate our leadership in the best battery life performance. The ViserMark score directly impacts our sales and end-user experience."


Wiko - Tinno R&D Team



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